The target of the EU of reducing by 20% its total emissions within 2020 has activated actions both in private and public sector. Renovation of buildings emerges as an urgent issue, but there is lack of knowledge on performance/cost characteristics of advanced component and systems for efficient renovation of buildings. Moreover, while incentives are given to private sector, Local Authorities face severe limitations of budget. TEESCHOOLS aims at providing new solutions to Local Authorities both in technical and financial terms to implement Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) renovation activities in Mediterranean Schools. The innovative approach consists in setting up an integrated set of user friendly but scientifically sound tools: a pre-audit tool for simplify the energy audits, a carbon footprint calculator based on the building life cycle information, an innovative database of BAT for renovation of school buildings; tailored financing models and highly qualified trainings. These tools will be tested in all partner countries and will be adapted and harmonized with the objective to be used in local, regional and national energy plans. An expert transnational working team will support the pilots and blended learning models will help enhancing capacity in public sector. The transnational and multidisciplinary expertise of the partnership will be a fundamental asset to consolidate the knowledge of local energy managers.