Tell me about it (TELL) -stories building belonging and democratic integration -project is targeted on the challenge of strengthen social inclusion of Central Baltic region. It tackles the challenges related to participation in and access to labourmarket and the challenges related to minorities and immigrants. The project promotes young immigrants’ integration and aims at preventing youth exclusion. The project is targeted on young immigrants in Central Baltic region (aged 16-29) in Kotka and Uppsala. The project organizes workshops using cultural and artistic story-making process in Finland and in Sweden. The workshops will utilize cultural and artistic methods and Human rights and democracy –game. The workhops will be conducted by Xamk in cooperation with external expert and Folkuniversitetet. The main outputs are the stories of success factors in integration processes of young immigrants. The stories will be collected with culture and art based methods in Sweden and Finland. The methods will be evaluated and shared. Stories building belonging and integration are disseminated cultural products and presentations: theatre performance, rap lyrics, comics or videos. The success factors of integration processes will be analysed, published and disseminated in the communities. The story-making processes improve young immigrants’ self-expression and skills of re-engaging the society as well as mutual understanding and building transcultural trust. The social capital resulted from the project also improves young immigrants participation in the employment and abilities to education. Strengthening the bonding ties to society improve young immigrants’ possibilities and social capital as well as the communities’ resilience.