Territorial cooperation is seen as one of the most important factors contributing to innovation which is key in the achievement of sustainable growth and jobs. European territorial cooperation facilitates the exchange between people and regions on experience and best practice in regional policy, irrespective of existing borders. Experiences with territorial cooperation have been gathered in different European areas and with different structures. One of the aims of the current EU programming period 2007-2013 is to reinforce added value through cooperation across borders, transnationally as well as interregionally. Regions and cities from different EU Member States are encouraged to work together to find common solutions in different fields. The Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion of the European Commission also adresses territorial cooperation and attaches great importance to it in the framework of European territorial development and in the “long-term and sustainable growth performance of the EU as a whole”. Future considerations concerning the strengthening of territorial cooperation may benefit from facts concerning potential drivers for cooperation, determinants and governance structures. These could spark further interest of regions, cities and countries in entering into cooperation arrangements. More evidence in this field can also serve as support in defining future EU Structural Funds contribution to territorial cooperation areas.