The aim of the project is through transnational cooperation. to design and deliver a suite of tools for the successful development of knowledge intensive firms with high potential to export and through collaborative analysis and pilot actions. to enhance the partners’ regional innovation ecosystems to support such firms. including SMEs and Micro Enterprises. to secure export markets. In terms of European innovation. the NW European Zone is the principal engine of innovation growth. it is the centre of European prosperity and ultimately European economic potential. It is therefore critical that Regions within the NW E Area work closely together to ensure that best practices are jointly developed. transferred and applied and to ensure that supports for knowledge intensive firms are the most efficient and effective. The Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative Innovation Union recognises the importance of developing successful European Companies that can compete within the global marketplace.EU policy makers recognise that regions and cities are the basic spatial areas where innovation is fostered through the exchange of knowledge and the building of innovation ecosystems which support the growth of enterprises. These innovation ecosystems are mainly provided by the interactions of public sector agencies and research institutions. The effectiveness of these supports will be a key factor in achieving European growth targets. Regions & cities also represent opportunities for reciprocal supports for such firms. which. within a short time frame. need to develop export markets. within the EU and into third countries.