South Adriatic region need to better compete in the international tourism market developing joint assets to increase cultural tourist flows, overcoming seasonality and involving new and less known destinations. The overall objective of TOURNEE is to establish closer cooperation among key actors in theatrical sector by creating a durable Cluster of Theatre Institutions (CTI) in the cross border area (through a specific Agreement). By establishing a Board for Directors and an Experts Committee, TOURNEE will involve cross border experts in theatre productions, territorial marketing, cultural heritage management and tourism strategic policies, in creating innovative cultural products to strengthen exploitation of tourist destinations. As a result, an increasing role of Theatres in supporting tourist economic growth is expected, as well as an improvement of public policies in cultural and tourist sectors. Project is based on bringing together Theatre institutions and tourism professionals from Puglia, Albania and Montenegro in order to increase the quality of artistic productions and to provide supporting tourist services that enhance enjoyment of cultural places for both tourists and locals; this process would only be achievable through a cross border approach. Activities consist of: a. preliminary context and needs analysis; b. theatrical laboratories; c. itinerant Festival (showcasing new theatre productions in the most prestigious cultural venues in Puglia, Albania and Montenegro); d. accompanying touristic services to smooth Festival experiences; e. educational tours to support international exposure of new theatre productions. TOURNEE will establish a stable cooperation platform, enhancing networking among theatres and tourism stakeholders in the area, in order to outline shared paths for long term growth of cross border Theatres as cultural tourism assets. As a result, an effective synergy will start, having positive impact on increase of tourism income.