TRAM project is designed to strengthen the urban dimension of regional and local policymaking, contributing to the implementation of EU Transport White Paper, Urban Agenda and the EU 2020 strategy and facilitating the shift to low carbon economy. Many of Europe's urban areas are facing a series of environmental challenges resulting mainly in congestion and air pollution: sustainable urban mobility can be the starting point for more environmental-friendly measures, also in combination to ICT-based solutions. In this sense, TRAM project proposal contributes to the development of a competitive, resource-efficient and low-carbon oriented European transport system by improving the efficacy of regional and local policies on urban mobility of EU 5 partners which will benefit from cooperation by the exchange of experience and the identification of measures to be included in their urban mobility policies. TRAM starts from the analysis of the common objective and priorities on urban sustainable mobility systems of partners‘ policy instruments (PIs) (ERDF O.P., R.O.P. and regional funds) to develop an interregional learning process leading to an improvement of the identified PIs in terms of new projects implemented, changes in the management and in the strategic focus, and to the enhancement of regional and local administrators’ capacities to adopt innovative urban mobility solutions. During the project, PPs and selected groups of relevant stakeholders (SGs) are involved in the learning process, consisting of 6 Study Visits and 3 Interregional Thematic Workshops, focuses on three improvement areas of urban mobility policies (transport policies; ITS for urban areas; low emission and green transport). The interregional learning process leads to the drafting and adoption of 5 Action Plans which embed, after a Peer Review analysis realized with the support of an identified group of experts (ITRE), the lessons learnt into measures to improve partners’ policy instruments.