Transnational challenges such as unemployment, brain-drain, etc. could be resolved only trough a transnational cooperation. The cross-sectoral approach combined with transnational cooperation is the key for new economic drivers, new business niches, value added chains. The preliminary analysis of the young unemployment rates in the countries involved showed a high percentage of unemployment rates. According to Eurostat for 2015 the rates of youth unemployment (15-24 age) as a percentage of the active population are: 21.5% in Bulgaria, 49.7% in Greece, 39% in Albania, in 52% in FYRoM. The overall picture remains problematic reflecting also the structural bottlenecks of the Balkan-Mediterranean labour market: early school leaving, lack of vocational education that attracts young people’s interest, few opportunities to combine work and study and the inability of the labour markets to create new and sustainable jobs even in periods of high seasonal growth. Impact on the high unemployment rates had also the economic crisis, yet it had not equally affected the participating countries. Albania, FYROM and Bulgaria had maintained a positive outlook, while Greece was profoundly affected by the crisis. As a result, overall economic activity shrunk and high unemployment rates drove people to risk of poverty, material deprivation and social exclusion. Moreover, unemployment and social exclusion are perceived as common threats in the countries involved. Equally important threat for the region is the migration of young and skilled people, resulting in diminishing the area’s growth perspectives and endogenous potential.TRANS-EDU-NET partners have spotted an opportunity for both enhancing entrepreneurial culture in the transnational region and employment creation (including self-employment), and further developing tourism opportunities by using the young people (16-30 age) as an engine for competitiveness of the entire region. Collaboration is an essential part for successfully addressing the above opportunity and project aims to achieve it by creating a transnational educational network for entrepreneurs. It will provide the opportunity for joint initiatives for professional trainings of young people in the tourism industry, combined with the implementation of a set of activities aiming to stimulate and accelerate the development of the sector using modern tools for education, increasing the quality of the provided services through trainings and competitions, Edu-camps, simulation business game, etc. The accessible online learning environment will foster VET entrepreneurial thinking of young people and will enhance their learning culture in the tourism thus stimulating the sustainable development and knowledge transfer for more competitive business environment in the region. Mentors from the business (SMEs representatives) will lead the young entrepreneurs.