The Euroregion, since its creation and in its strategic plan, has defined transport as an essential element of its public policy of cross-border cooperation. With more than 90% of cross-border car trips, the challenge is simple: promote a modal shift to alternative modes of transport. It is this challenge that the Euroregion has been trying to answer since 2013 with the project dynamics called Transfermuga. In order to pursue this, two aspects have caught our attention and will form the basis of our reflection: one aims to develop and improve cross-border transport offers with a view to inter and multimodality, the other aims to favor open innovation in the field of transport, to improve passenger information. These two components are intended for both citizens and communities, who will be able to improve their transport policies. Cross-border, this project is multi-scalar and multi-actor, but above all multicultural. Thus, if developing physical links that did not exist to connect the territories and a first step, the objective is also to benefit from exchanges concerning the methods and culture transport on both sides, a real added value in this type of projects.