The project is based on the information acquired and the critical aspects identified by project “TRANS-PLAN” and puts forward a shared vision of the planning and development of the cross-border territory where project partners reside. Specifically, the project intends to encourage participation - through the active involvement of local actors and stakeholders - that will lead to the definition of joint sustainable development proposals. The planning process starts from sharing territorial analysis methods and integrating and implementing data by means of a cross-border Territorial Information System, with the aim of putting forward proposals, lines of action and rules of sustainable development in a wide area, in the framework of territorial planning and development policies both in Italy and in Slovenia. The project aims specifically at consolidating the position of the area in a wider European context, build on the results of the “TRANS-PLAN” initiative for the setting up and use of a cross-border TIS, promote an efficient management of common resources, intensify public participation in the territorial planning and management process, raising awareness of the importance of sustainable development as well as promoting the sharing of knowledge and experience (information, data, studies, research, methodologies) about the territory and the environment, to implement joint, coordinated actions. The project’s mission is to assess and evaluate the development of the territory and the trends under way in the cross-border area, for the creation of a vision of sustainable spatial development and the definition of alternative scenarios.