According to a European Commission report, about one third of businesses in the EU-15 are likely to be transferred over the next ten years. This amounts to an annual average of 610,000 enterprises, of which 86% are SMEs, and represents over 2 million jobs. For the regions participating in the TRANSREGIO project, the number of enterprises to be transferred over the next ten years is estimated at 43,000 in Rhône Alpes, 29,000 in Steiemark, 60,000 in Lombardy, 52,000 in Baden Wurtemberg and 10,000 in Slovenia. (There are no statistics for Poland or Lithuania). For these five regions, it is estimated that the enterprises to be transferred over the next ten years employ over one million people. Overall objective / Objectif général The main objective of the TRANSREGIO project is to organise benchmarking among seven European regions in order to compare the economic and social impacts of business transfers and to share good practices among those involved in measures to support transfers. An inter-regional observatory on transfers is therefore to be set up. A survey will be carried out among a group of business managers and buyers in order to compare the problems they face and their expectations. Good practices will be identified in the seven regions participating for measures to support business transfers. Expected results / Résultats attendus Creation of an inter-regional observatory on business transfers in seven regions in the enlarged EU (statistical indicators). • Interregional survey among a group of business managers and buyers on their expectations and the problems faced in business transfers and acquisitions. • Interregional guide to good practices in measures to support business transfers. • Organisation of a meeting to share experiences and discuss good practices among the main agents involved in transfers in the seven regions participating in the project. • Organisation of a programme of individual visits among partners • Organisation of seven conferences and fourteen workshops to present the results of the project, involving about seven hundred participants. • Creation of a web site on the project to disseminate the results. • Publication of a CD ROM to disseminate the project results.