Better access to modern information and communication technology and services is a prerequisite for an integrated development of the smaller, rural-dominated regions of Burgenlandkreis (DE), Burgenland (AT), Hajdu-Bihar (HU) and South Moravia (CZ), and for linking into the global economy. In the framework of the established trans-European network of partner regions with similar profiles, the TRANs-IT project contributed to this objective by raising awareness of IT applications and by supporting local and regional actors in making use of these opportunities. TRANs-IT joined the participating regions in solving the problems through a transfer of knowledge, changing the experiences and application of methodologies and its implementations, i.e. pilot projects. The two specific objectives were: 1) implementation of an innovative, web-based development and commercialisation of Technology Parks and Business Sites for innovative new locations for businesses, and 2) the more efficient promotion of newly developed wellness offers through a common Internet platform.