The project aims at testing technologies and practices for the collection and inertization of material dredged in the ports of Venice and Koper, to ensure navigability and to protect the environment. The two ports operate in similar industrial contexts (and both participate in SedNet - European Network for Sediment Research) and must manage contaminated sediments. In this sense, the production of bricks and the collection of sediments in a salt mine are the object of the TRASED technological research. This initiative aims at selecting pilot projects to be tested according to innovative technological criteria and practices in the management of dredged material. Tests will be performed on port material. Moreover, in order to improve knowledge on the management of said material, special technological workshops will be organised on the production of bricks from dredged material. Special attention will be paid to the study of railway logistics in the ports of Venice and Koper, in order to optimize the dredged material loading and collection procedures. Lastly, the definition, design, and implementation of a Territorial Information System (TIS Public Property) will enable the effective administrative and environmental monitoring of the port area.