Micro businesses are a key source of jobs, growth, innovation, local development, the creation of skills and services and a main driver for entrepreneurship. Within the EU, SMEs represent about two thirds of total employment, half of which is in micro enterprises. The operation “TRATOKI: Transregional toolkit for micro enterprises” focuses on access to finance and to support services for micro-businesses, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. Overall objective / Objectif général The overall objective of this operation is to promote job creation, sustainable regional development, social cohesion and entrepreneurship by improving, extending and innovating the instruments, programmes and policy approaches of the participating regions in support of micro enterprises and business start-ups. The partnership aims to transfer instruments and existing project results between partners with different good practice experiences and wants to design new approaches with a clear impact for all partners. Particular attention will be given to access to finance and accompanying business support measures. Expected results / Résultats attendus The product of the project will be a transfer and joint development of tested instruments and approaches for micro-company support. The operation will result in more comprehensive and innovative support schemes in each participating region. The partners will present an inter-regional toolkit for dissemination, facilitating the creation of new jobs and new sources of employment. Moreover, the project will add value for Structural Fund interventions in the next funding period by encouraging the innovative use of ERDF funds.