This project combines the charming historical tourist railways dating back from the second half of the 1800s and the early 1900s and the areas over which they cross. The latter offer historical and cultural value, a beautiful landscape and environment, hiking, sports and typical productions. Promoting the railways, attractions of the related areas and development opportunities for the very many micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of the tourism sector and those specialised in typical products are three challenges that the Regions of the Programme area have decided to address jointly. Infrastructure has always been a critical factor in development. TRENO intends to use this unique type of railway transport to attract more tourists from outside the cooperation area, even in less busy periods of the year. Thanks to these original attractions, increased demand can generate tourism development opportunities for the railway areas. It can improve the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which struggle to play a central role in the chain of innovative and sustainable tourism because they specialise in niche productions and thus risk remaining on the sidelines. Sharing experiences and strategies and developing a joint action plan to design targeted pilot actions will allow the partners to promote the historic railways. With the help of a little infrastructure, they will improve key locations valuable for their history, culture, landscape, environment, hiking, sports and typical products.