The northern Adriatic marine and coastal habitats support an enormous animal and plant biodiversity represented by the biogenic-geogenic outcrops of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto, dead corallites of Cladocora caespitosa on the Slovenian side and numerous costal ZSC-ZPS. The results of the Trecorala project (Interreg Ita-Slo 2007-13) allowed evaluation of the ecological status of the geo-biogenic formations. They had been recognized as Sites of Community Interest due to the presence of priority habitats such as Coralligenous and rodolite and maerl funds. In Slovenia, the formations in Cladocora caespitosa are located in the marine protected areas of the Natural Monument Punta Grossa and of the Natural Park of Strunjan. TRETAMARA aims to capitalize on previous knowledge, to enhance the best management practices, leading to the drafting of a document supporting the drafting of missing management plans of the coastal and marine SIC areas, and their harmonization at the High Adriatic level, also proposing national and transnational guidelines for integrated management marine-coastal habitats with high ecological value also through targeted actions with a high content innovative.