This project arises from a common problem: the high level of noise pollution that affects the urban areas located between ports and logistics platforms. The general objective is to develop a cross-border strategy to reduce noise pollution in these areas through the adoption of traffic flow regularisation models to be applied to the land movement of goods. Noise pollution in these areas comes not only from port activities, but also from related logistics activities. TRIPLO will tackle the challenge of noise management by focusing on these highly populated areas exposing a high number of people to the risk of acoustic pollution. The project intends to propose an innovative approach. It will gather specific linguistic parameters to evaluate the exposed population’s perception of the phenomenon. It will also collect the usual physical parameters, through low-cost monitoring networks in 3 pilot areas (2 IT, 1 FR), affording real-time acoustic monitoring and the production of live noise maps, and integrate them with with the linguistic data. The most appropriate ITS solutions will be identified based on these data, in addition to complementary measures to reduce noise pollution. A Joint Strategic Plan will collect these results, one of TRIPLO’s primary outcomes. Strategies and solutions will be more effective thanks to the participation of the diversified key actors making up the TRIPLO partnership. The project’s sustainability challenge involves a series of awareness-raising initiatives to promote Strategic Plan measures and their inclusion in local governance tools.