Together with vine-growing, olive-growing is the most important agricultural activity in the Slovenian Istria and in the hinterland of Trieste. During the extraction of oil, a large quantity of wastes and by-products (vegetation water and wet/dry olive pomace) is produced; because of their content of polyphenolic and organic substances, these wastes threaten the Mediterranean environment. Waste production in the olive-growing sector is concentrated in a limited period of time and takes place simultaneously in all oil mills in this territory, where the installation and maintenance of waste-treatment plants would be economically unsuitable. Moreover, reusing the by-products of the olive-processing to make new products, such as the compound, is consistent with a rational environment-friendly management. The project proposed therefore aims at introducing new olive-pomace composting technologies. Cooperation and relationships in the cross-border area will be intensified by solving common problems and introducing a uniform practice to monitor the by-products of oil mills, whilst fostering the exchange of information and good disposal practices. In this way, the joint development of advanced technologies and a common market strategy will be promoted.