This Decentralized Tourism project between Italy and Slovenia is the natural development of projects “TUDESLOVE” and “CULTUCADSES” (Culture in the North – Cadses area) funded under Community Initiative Programme INTERREG II. Specifically, it serves to implement and enhance the tourist-cultural itineraries set up in the context of past experiences, and to integrate them with new thematic routes that have not yet attracted mass tourism. The project entails the establishment of alternative routes on the Italian and Slovenian territory - mainly by enhancing the existing system of fortifications in Veneto - and the creation of a system of Centres of cultural excellence, also in order to regenerate areas of the territory that would otherwise be most likely abandoned. In order to ensure the dissemination of information on these alternative cultural itineraries and to encourage cultural tourism also in the inland area of Venice and along the Slovenian coast (Piran and Koper/Capodistria), territorial marketing actions are envisaged as well as national and international promotional events. The partnership for “cultural tourism” between Italy and Slovenia aims at a joint planning of cultural events and projects, in order to improve the quality of tourism and to increase the number of jobs in this sector.