The aim of the project is to valorize the up till now unused biomass from landscape elements in a sustainable way for heat and energy production on local scale. Landscape elements like hedgerows for example have had economic functions in the past and are typical for a large part of NW-Europe. In the 20th century this economic use disappeared. Landscape elements disappeared for this reason in many regions. As landscape elements also have ecological (biodiversity) and social (recreation. regional identity) functions. efforts to for landscape management were set up. This costs a lot and isn't sustainable on long term. as subsidies are not guaranteed in the future. Revalorizing the biomass from landscape in an economically feasible way. with respect for ecological and social functions. is the main aim of this project. As the search for renewable energy sources is really actual. time has come to think about this revalorization of this unused biomass. Because of the links with biodiversity and cultural heritage. tourism. recreation. this biomass has not been valorized yet in many cases. This project will prove that. tthrough cooperation with all involved stakeholders. an economic (re)valorization is possible. As this is an actual issue in many parts of NW-Europe (similar agricultural and thus landscape element history). cooperation in this NWE-region is obvious and necessary.