The Ler(n)ende Euregio has been very successful in establishing a network of schools on both sides of the border in the Rhine-Waal Euroregion. By focusing on 'Education in the neighbouring language' this project has successfully institutionalised itself as a centre of expertise, which has developed an exam system in collaboration with the Goethe Institute: “German for professionals”. There are currently 14 ROCs working with this exam system, which will be further developed and tested in the coming years. Based on the experiences, a comparable exam system “Dutch for professionals” will be developed. Among others, there will be investigated which suppliers are able to deliver examination standards and exam materials, for the language training “Dutch for professionals” in the German vocational training system, to ensure a high quality examination standard (Working Package 1). Additional collaboration projects, fostering the internationalisation of vocational training, will be carried out to stimulate the integration of the cross - border economy in the Euroregion. In these cooperation projects, the focus lays on using the neighbouring language in a professional context (Working Package 2). Additionally, topics dealing with current economic issues in the Euroregion are targeted. How can we, for example, restore the attractiveness of occupational fields suffering from work force shortages for (future) apprentices and how do we ensure that future apprentices of lower educational levels are able to successfully enter the future labour market? (Working Package 3). Finally, in order to enhance the sustainability of the network in the long-term, materials are developed aimed to integrate the education and training offers of the Ler(n)ende Euregio in the educational organisations (Working Package 4).