Partners have jointly identified main problems across borders: health and social system in the Programme area is characteized by inappropriate distribution and mobilisation of capacities, in reduced access to services for the elderly, infirm and PwDs, insufficient focus on quality standards and in reduced access to health/social services, especially for people living in rural areas of the Programme area. The action is based on concept of integrated model of care, based on the ongoing partnership, including other sectors. This includes, encourages and supports all forms of vertcal and horizontal cooperation, and strong inter-sector connectivity, which is considered crucial at all levels of health/social care. The main objective of the action is to enhance accessibility and quality of helath and social services provided to elderly, infirm and people with disabilities (PwDs) across the borders. Project specific objectives: 1. Improvment of quality of care for infirm, elderly and PwDs by developing palliative Care Service (PCS) and social complementary services ; 2. Improvment of delivery mechanism of health and social servies through joint networking and trainning programmes. The proposed action will: a)Develop community based health and social services enabling their quality and accessibility (mobile PCS teams for infirm, elderly and PwDs, hospital ward for palliative patients); b) improve basic skills of health/social workers through professional training (40) and working engagement for 32 people ; c)develop partnership and cross-border networking to improve services delivery mechanism through the transfer of knowledge and experience (know-how); d) improve inter-sector connectivity aimed at development of services and improvment of their quality. Project main outputs: 1) 800 persons in disvantage covered by health/social services; 2) 1 cross-border network established; 3) 40 health an social workers trained.