As a result of the projects, appropriate conditions will be provided for regular public transport between the vital touristic centres in the cross-border area along the Kraków-Zakopane-Suchá hora-Oravice-Zuberec-Liptovský Mikuláš route. The project will contribute to the improvement of connections of secondary and tertiary nodes such as Rabka Zdrój, Zakopane, Nowy Targ and Jabłonka on the Polish side and the Liptovský Mikuláš, Tvrdošín and Zuberec tertiary nodes on the Slovak side to the main roads, i.e. the A4 motorway in the Małopolskie Voivodeship and D1 motorway in Slovakia. In this way, the travel time between the said localities and TEN-T network roads will be reduced. Driving comfort and traffic safety will also improve. The road network in the area of Oravíce and Zuberec, especially in the winter and summer seasons, is characterised by quite high traffic intensity. There is also a link with the international TEN-T network from Oravíce, through Zuberec, in the opposite direction – road no. II/584 through the Huty mountain passage, passing the Liptovská Mara water reservoir, reaching Liptovský Mikuláš. The entire route is commonly known as a popular link not only due to its touristic value, but also because it is a relatively quick connection between Orava and Liptov. The authorities of the Žilinský Region plan yet another investment on the Oravíce-Zuberec road section for the period 2017–2018, which will improve this road’s safety. Additionally, Zuberec – as the gateway to the Western Tatras – is an important touristic centre of international significance, offering a wide variety of services, including medical care and emergency ambulance service station serving a vast area.