The project is located in Italy, Greece, Spain and Cyprus and it aims at improving secondary existing schools energy efficiency, trough the implementation of a common Strategy based on the 3 typical climatic models that characterize the MED area: coast, mountain and city. The main activities are: - Realisation of Energy schools Audits, End users Surveys and Benchmark - Redaction of an Action Plan - Concept Design for 12 Pilot Projects, also through the organisation of 3 thematic workshops and 1 international Campus that involves experts, designers, students, enterprises and decision makers - Creation of a virtual platform that works as an interactive operational tool and will: provide information by which the energy schools performances can be compared; collect and catalogue laws, best practises and existing technologies; contain the Guidelines of the MED Strategy for energy management; be addressed to local authorities and decision makers, schools, technicians, private operators and all citizens interested in the construction sector and energy issues - Diffusion and capitalisation actions directed also to “raise awareness” on new energy techniques use, cost reduction and international standards and – in medium long term – to integrate and improve the energies policies and rules in the MED area and Europe The Pilot Projects necessarily refer to a local level as the main tools for testing and standardizing the transnational Strategy