The proposed project is built around the needs described on the SWOT analysis provided in the Programme documents, aiming to use the identified strengths (high training and expertise of medical experts), in order to tackle the weaknesses (lack of cooperation and access restraints) and use telemedicine, specifically telecardiology, so as to increase the standard of living of the population by promoting health care provision in the cross-border area and establish a closer collaboration between Albanian and Greek cardiologists. The University of Ioannina, who will be the Leader partner and will be the main technical partner of the project, will act as a mentor for the hospitals – partners in both sides of the border, so as to jointly develop a telemedicine, teleconsulting platform based on the use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) for cardiology. EHRs will ensure that all the data (historical, demographic, medication, lab results, imaging exams etc) for each specific patient are available to the treating clinician, while the collaboration tool will facilitate the provision of telemedicine and counseling. Improved reliability of patient specific data, cross border data availability and telecommuting functionalities, provide opportunities for improvement to the health care provision by eliminating geographic restrains.