The project’s global objective is the preservation and valorisation of the old mines and quarries of the cross-border area for tourist purposes. Through a series of small-scale interventions and the enhancement of the local capacities it is expected the project,on a first level, to improve the current condition and future potential of the targeted areas, while, on a second level, strengthen cooperation and promote the development of innovative sustainable economies around the areas. To this end, the project will produce 4 interwoven streams of outputs: (a) studies and valorisation tools; (b) interventions for the improvement of the current condition and valorisation potential; (c) pilot solutions to improve the attractiveness of the area, engaging diverse stakeholders and (d) dissemination outputs and promotion of the developed solutions. The project adopts an integrated approach aiming with a multi-level perspective. On the micro-level, the idle mines and quarries will be rehabilitated, better preservation and their overall condition improved, enhancing their carrying capacity as local cultural assets. On the meso-level, the creation of a common understanding among diverse stakeholders will be promoted, concerning the value and potential of local cultural heritage in a systemic manner. Finally, on the macro-level, new solutions for the promotion of sustainable tourism business practices will be promoted, focusing on innovation, diversity and synergy through a multi-stakeholder approach.