The key idea of this project (Hidden Treasures of the Mediterranean) is to increase the international competitiveness of small and very small tourism businesses operating in 'hidden' internal areas by forming local networks and a cross-border macro system. The plan is also to develop a wide range of accommodation facilities such as holiday homes, B&Bs and farmhouses as an alternative to regular hotels, and combine them with hiking, biking, green traveling and tasting local products. The areas concerned are the following: Genoese Valleys and Val d'Aveto (Liguria), Sorgono area (Sardinia), Municipalities of Evisa and Tolla (Corsica). The businesses have the challenge to attract travellers to little known, scarcely developed locations as compared to the overcrowded coasts. They need to attract slow tourism by offering experiences and a greater connection with the local culture, involving especially foreign visitors. In order to acquire a competitive market position, a portfolio of residences and related activities (and typical products) will be created and adapted to international quality standards, followed by thematic and cross-regional tour packages. The geographical and cultural proximity of the 3 regions will help build paths (from north to south) between Liguria, Corsica and Sardinia. The innovation of the project is organisational: the local networks will set up and manage together the widespread hospitality systems, while the cross-border macro network will manage the marketing of the brand (through the web portal and the network points of sale). An innovative orchestration portal will make tourism products more easily manageable (for network operators) and usable (for tourists).