The project focuses on the sector of tourist hotel accommodation and restaurants as a predominant economic sector for the Province of Venice and the nearby areas of Slovenia. The main objective is a comparison of the assessment methods of professional qualifications of tourist-hotel staff in the two bordering countries, in order to boost the quality of accommodation and tourist services, as well as to facilitate the mobility of the operators in the sector. A mutual exchange of knowledge will contribute to closer cooperation among the various sections of the tourist sector and offer to schools and enterprises a support to training and refresher activities for the staff. In this sense the construction and testing of a model for the acquisition of professional skills, both in the field of organisation and services and of training, and an effective information and communication mechanism contribute to the exchange of information between the two sections through the development of a shared language. A website was therefore set up to link together the schools, the students and the hotels. By accessing the website it is possible to insert information and/or to find information contributed by the other operators in the field.