The three schools participating in the project engage in the analysis, in the European context, of the themes of towns and territory, by reflecting on current management problems, such as a correspondence between planning and democracy and particularly between environmental balance and social balance. Starting from the experience of each school, of each student and teacher, the theme of the services available to the citizens is discussed with particular emphasis on education, culture, environment and vocational training in order to overcome specific legal, administrative, linguistic and cultural barriers. The project also aims at contributing to the development of common standards, in terms of promoting the artistic, historical and cultural heritage of the territory. The activities envisaged include meetings, seminars, workshops and work groups, enlarged to include also experts in the field and representatives of the institutions, on issues related to forms of town institutions, organisation and services offered to the citizens. Finally a CD-rom will be produced with other multimedia products, such as the creation of a network among the institutions involved to promote the sharing of didactic resources and to put in place a fruitful and stable level of communication. These meetings lead to an understanding of the meaning of town and its functioning, of changes and different lifestyles, thus contributing to becoming more fully aware of the global nature of problems and promoting the shaping of a European citizenship, leading to the creation of a long-lasting twinning bond.