Rising urbanization, the associated loss of nature experiences, demographic change and the rise of civilization diseases are leading to an increasing demand for holidays with health benefits. The alpine project region has a large number of natural, regionally located and culturally traditional healing resources as well as health-promoting natural space and climate potentials, the valorisation of which could form the basis for a sustainable health tourism regional development and a positioning as a health region, from which also locals benefit. The healing resources are but in terms of medical evidence, indication, quality and measurability insufficiently developed to be sustainably valued in connection with the region and SME / tourism management bodies for marketable product and service chains. In a health tourism regional development process with companies and regional players, target group-specific products and service chains will be created and positioned on the market. The aim is to further develop and innovatively strengthen alpine health tourism in the INTERREG region of Bavaria and Salzburg with a concept for skilled workers in terms of employee qualification and a broad cross-linking and knowledge transfer offensive beyond the regions.