The forest road network in the Republic of Karelia is fairly limited, approximately 0.25 km/100 forest hectares. Only approximately 200 kilometres of new forest roads are built annually. According to the Karelian Research Institute of Forest Industry the forest road network covers only one fourth of the current need. In addition, the road structure is not strong enough to support year-round transport use. The most significant reason for the poor condition and the small number of forest roads is the lack of information and training in the subject area. The project is to develop the instruction and educational programmes in the Republic of Karelia by transferring knowledge and expertise regarding accessibility of forest resources and developing the forest road network. The goal is to design a new training programme for forest road planning and construction for the Shuisko-Vidanskaja Forest Technical School. In addition, the pedagogic skills of the local instructors are to be improved and a pilot period for the training is to be implemented. A goal of the project is also to produce educational material in Russian and acquire a pre-owned excavator machine for instructional purposes.