Purpose of project is to increase ability of entities and individuals from SB area to create multicultural events and networks in cooperation with cross-border partners, which is corresponding to SBP objective, assumed improvement of the cooperation capacity of local SB area actors by cross-border networks. Within seed money project was discovered, that a lot of entities are not capable or willing to undertake the implementation of int. projects. According to diagnosed problems of local cultural actors, Castle Opera in Szczecin and Theatre of Vorpommern prepare joint initiative, which could in diffrent ways engage local actors for cross-border networks and get them useful knowledge and skills, which could increase their cooperation capacity for green growth of SB area. Project assumes workshops for local cultural actors from Polish and German SB area, lead by specialists of cross-border initiatives and network some of local actors into cross-border pairs/groups. Established within project 3 partnerships of local actors will under the supervision of main partners, prepare common cultural events: peformance, concert and exhibition, which will be next presented in Szczecin and Greifswald in cross-border festivals - open for general public. Special role in festival will have opera jointly coproduced by main partners - within rehearsals for it, local cultural actors could actively participate (get to know about cross-border cooperation between partners' artists). Such cross-border pilot cooperations between local actors is an original way of building cooperation capacity in practice. Additionally, choir for this performance will be contained of amateurs from Polish and German SB area, which also help to improve capacity of local actors for cross-border cooperation building. Thanks to prepared handbook with good practices of the project, other cultural actors could benefit from project's outputs based on number of joint capacity-building activities involving local actors.