The objective of the project is to facilitate the socio-economic development of Latvia-Lithuania border areas and increase the internal/external accessibility of border areas through development and provision of public transportation services in the regions, as well as the implementation and improving of communication systems in the largest ports of both regions. Main activities of the project include implementation and development of port communication systems along with elaboration of the study “Development of public transportation system”. As European Union recommendations on port security suggest, the first activity is aimed at enhancing the level of port security, creation of efficient electronic data registers, storage and rapid exchange of data with other institutions. It will include modernisation of navigation aid tools in the Free Port of Ventspils, extension of the port geographic information system (GIS) in the Port of Klaipeda, implementation and development of Port Gate Control System (PGCS) in the Ports of Liepaja and Klaipeda. This system is dedicated to collecting, storing and processing data on pedestrians and motor vehicles, entering and leaving the seaport area. Study „Development of public transport system” will be elaborated for the purpose of assessing the development potential of cross-border public transportation services and shall identify the appropriate public transportation network and service level. Study will provide reliable data on passenger flows, demand for public transportation, case studies and passenger flow forecasts. Study will also establish public transport service provider selection criteria and pricing policies, as well as develop maps with existing and potential public transportation routes.