TransNetAero will enable aerospace SMEs in “hidden champion” aerospace regions within NWE to work transnationally together to become more competitive in the global market. We want to achieve the right framework for these companies to be able to draw on highly specialised innovation resources in other partner regions across NWE: access to key aerospace customer requirements. relevant research and technology competencies at aerospace technology centres of excellence. and access to educational resources for upskilling key employees. The aims of TransNetAero are therefore: - to jointly increase the level of transnational cooperation between SMEs and industry. research and teaching centres of excellence in other NWE regions - to develop a transnational and job-integrated skills development programme for SMEs to attract new persons to the industry and to qualify existing employees - to increase the recognition of aerospace in NWE. in Europe and the rest of the world - to help SMEs showcase their technology innovations transnationally and communicate cross-sectoral synergies to other industries to open new markets for aerospace SMEs - to jointly investigate innovative models for transnational collaboration and cluster organisation with regard to sustainable innovation management in medium-sized aerospace clusters. The aims will be achieved by joint activities and deliverables of transnational value. including: - working with industry. research and teaching centres of excellence to strengthen knowledge and technology transfer for SMEs - creating stand-alone certification courses for technological and management topics - creating a European Aerospace Masters - communicating best practices of supply chain companies - organising showcase events to encourage cluster growth in each region