Trasnational networks of industrial specialization in Precision Farming (part of Industry 4.0) are weak in CE, being restricted to very specific thematic projects in Horizon 2020 or ERA-Net. This because (a) tech-transfer in PF is still mainly focused on a given territorial domains where R&D is commissioned to local UNIs & R&D centres & innovation is much related to meet local farmers’ requirements (b) PF is left as sub-category of advanced manufacturing RIS3 & projects financed by regional ERDF are normally opened only to companies+R&D, preventing direct participation of farmers sector in the co-creation approach.This traditional “local-based” knowledge approach is currently a limit in the competitiveness of PF advanced manufacturing supply chains. Main objective of TrasF@rm 4.0 is to change the traditional local-based approach to tech-transfer in PF in a wider trasnational open innovation environment, where companies/clusters/R&D performers/farmers of 5 CE regions are involved in industrial interactions, to improve the regional industrial specializations in PF machines & IT devices &bring some new KET-based technological solutions (developed by joint industrial undertaking) with TRL>7 closer to market. Project core are 3 joint industrial undertakings focused on the 3 crucial innovation PF domains: new ISOBUS application, remote and proximal sensing & big and smart data management. Pools of engineers & R&D performers from Tranf@rm consortium bring some tech-tryouts (based on previous research) to a TRL7 &test them in model farms.This represents a radical change value-chain exploitation since Transf@rm offers a wider access to pool of tech excellences and large flexibility in tech optimization. Tranf@rm sparks a bottom-up implementation of RIS3 as it enhances the industrial specialization of the advanced manufacturing regional sector in applications for smart agriculture to answer the question: How can CE industry anticipate the market changes in smart agriculture?