The overall objective of the project is to develop and enhance the management of the shared Atlantic salmon resource in the Barents region; enabling a future adaptive, sustainable and knowledge-based harvesting regime. This enables the conservation of the rich fishing traditions and coastal culture of the area and preserves the highly important regional and local socio-economy of the coastal fisheries, and minimizes the mixed-stock fishery in areas when needed to preserve declining and vulnerable stocks. The project will merge traditional, local knowledge with new ecological, and genetic salmon research in Norway, Russia and Finland. The specific objective of the project is design and develop future long-term, adaptive, sustainable and knowledge-based salmon harvesting regime between Norway, Russia and Finland. This enables the conservation of the rich, traditional fishing culture of the area and preserves the important regional and local socio-economy of the coastal fisheries, and at the same time minimizes the mixed-stock fishery in areas when needed to preserve declining and vulnerable stocks. Address the challenges of adaptation to climate change and salmon abundance. Enhance cooperation between management, researchers and salmon fishers and fishing organizations. By using new technologies and combining traditional, biological, ecological, genetic and environmental knowledge, and through exchange of personnel, enhanced knowledge, best practises and dissemination of information. Develop the cross-border cooperation between Norway, Finland and the Russian Federation in the field of rational fisheries management and conservation of valuable salmon stocks and to support innovative cross-border activities. Enhance networking and facilitate information exchange and information flows at all levels. Promote and provide new scientifically sound knowledge and results on the Atlantic salmon stocks to management authorities, research and the general public.