The shared problem experienced by the Partners is that they are omitted by tourists taking rest in the borderland. The tourists choose more recognisable destinations and do not appreciate the natural and cultural values of Jeleśnia and Klin which have the attractive features of mountainous lands which require protection and at the same time are currently not sufficiently connected with recreational infrastructure and their accessibility for persons engaging in active tourism is not high. In order to solve this problem together, improve the tourist value of the area and achieve higher level of appreciating both gminas by residents and tourists, the gminas of Jeleśnia and Klin launched a joint project. Its aim is sustainable development of tourism on the borderland, using the natural and cultural heritage of these gminas and respecting the environment and other values of the borderland by tourists and residents. Under the project, new sections of hiking and cycling routes will be built in Przyborów and Krzyżówki as well as in Soptonia Mała (PL) and Klin (SK). On these sections, new associated infrastructure will be created: viewing points and places of rest. The whole area of routes (including those already existing) will marked as part of the cross-border tourist trail from Jeleśnia through Pilsko up to Klin. In addition, the MOBI-TOUR e-tool will be developed to support the tourists’ sense of direction on the routes and promote the natural and cultural attractions located there. To achieve better recognition of this new tourist offer, the following promotional actions are planned: 2 rallies for hikers and cyclists, 2 thematic events, a brochure and a map, advertising boards in both municipalities, information meetings for local community and persons interested in cross-border tourism as well as a course in the neighbour’s language to better prepare the representatives of both regions for managing cross-border tourist traffic.