The aim of the project is to increase the tourist attractiveness of border areas (Poland and Ukraine) through the creation of Former Reformati Order’s Monasteries Route (FROMR), the development of the dialogue of cultures by establishing The Centre for the Dialogue of Cultures in Węgrów and The Centre for the Dialogue of Cultures in Rava Ruska, mutual youth exchanges, organization of conferences and cultural events, and through promotion of the Franciscan Order rule- love for the people in need- by establishing a Family Orphanage in Rava Ruska. The project meets the mutual challenges that both partners face: 1. A small number of tourists in Węgrów and Rava Ruska – attractive tourist areas with outstanding historical monuments and rich cultural heritage; 2. Insufficient knowledge of the rule of the Former Reformati Franciscan order, which had an impact on the history of Węgrów and Rava Ruska. 3. Mutual insufficient knowledge of the culture and traditions of the neighbouring countries. Initially, The Former Reformati Order’s Monasteries Route will include 2 monasteries (in Węgrów and in Rava Ruska), which, owing to the project realization, will become revitalized and will serve new functions (both social and cultural) to meet the needs of local communities and tourists. The establishment of The Centre for Dialogue of Cultures and the revitalization of the monastery in Węgrów inolves construction works in the monastery building, adaptation of the monastery to accommodation purposes for 42 beds. Additionally, the interior will be equipped with indispensable devices and equipment: furniture for 14 guest rooms and furniture and equipment for the multifunctional hall (conferences, concerts, film screenings, performances and exhibitions) in the garth. The establishment of The Centre for the Dialogue of Cultures and the Family Orphanage and the revitalization of the monastery in Rava Ruska provides construction works in the monastery building and the church.