Our partnership focuses on structures to enhance employment initiatives in the border area.Living in a border region means also a plus in chances to integrate on the labor market or to elaborate new businesses. This aspect is not exploited enough. Reason is reluctance in the absence of specialized knowledge about the labor possibilities on the other side of the border.Therefore we will elaborate two training modules which besides offering specified knowledge in the field and develops abilities, will permanent focus on the cross-border possibilities.We will elaborate specified training materials in two modules: one dedicated for young people, aged between 15-25 years: Cross-border career orientation and planning training - the cross-border element of the training will tackle the two countries’ training patterns and the particular dispositions of the labor market.; the other dedicated for people between 15-64 years: Entrepreneurial basic knowledge training - he training’s specificity consists that beside basic concepts it permanent highlights the cross-border opportunities in promoting, selling, advertizing.Both training modules dealing cross-border aspects, is very new in this field. For both modules we will gain accreditation, in order to offer recognized certificates for the trainees, in this way further enhance their opportunities to integrate in the labor market.Experts are pointing that the most efficient trainings for adults can be held in a foreign location and not in the residency locality of the trainees, so they can fully concentrate, joining the full training program, mitigating also the risk to interrupt the training.For this matter our approach is to develop training centers in rural localities offering more-day training modules. Both training centers, in Zolt and Domaszek, will have two training rooms, accommodation possibilities for over 30 persons in order to have the possibility to organize simultaneously2 groups at a time.Within our project we will organize Cross-border career orientation and planning training for 18 groups formed by 15 persons each. This 30 hour long training will be organized in two full weekends with an e-learning and mentoring module in the week time.The other module (Entrepreneurial basic knowledge training), designated for 80 people aged between 15-64 years, will be organized in 8 groups formed by 20 persons/group. This 40 hour long training will have the duration of a full week spent in the training center.The elaborated training materials will be available for everybody by means of the projects bilingual website.