This initiative follows two intervention lines. The first one concerns the planning of the support to be provided to farms and agri-food companies in the Venetian territory and in the Slovenian part of the Gorizia area, in order to widen their knowledge about production, promotion and marketing techniques of typical products and to foster commercial partnerships. The second one envisages promotion and information interventions. During the first workshop, which was undertaken in April 2005, the certification and marketing of typical and quality products in the Venetian and Slovenian areas were debated, involving some teachers of Nova Gorica Agricultural School. Later on, other specialized workshops were held to deal with the agri-food sectors (fruit and vegetables, vine-growing and wine-making, dairy, fish and aquiculture); they took place both in classrooms and in the headquarters of the most representative firms and institutions in the province of Venice. In the framework of this project, ten multilingual informative brochures have been published; each of them concerns a typical product, such as the DOC (registered designation of origin) wines produced in the Piave and Lison Pramaggiore areas, ITG (typical geographic indication) wines produced in the Estern Veneto region and finally some food products such as montasio cheese, radicchio variegato and radicchio rosso from Chioggia. Overall, through the informative meetings, this initiative has provided a broad overview of the agri-food production system in the Veneto region, thus fostering a constructive debate and exchange of opinions about the Venetian and Slovenian territories.