ULYSSES is an experimental and innovative project supported by 18 European border and cross-border areas, which aims at using applied research results from ESPON as a yardstick for decentralised cross-border spatial development planning. Based upon a sound methodological approach, the targeted analysis is expected – as a first step – to establish high-quality and multi-thematic territorial analyses on six specific cross-border areas, which take into consideration future territorial challenges expressed in findings of the ESPON 2006 Programme and of the current ESPON 2013 Programme. The targeted analysis will realise 6 comprehensive and multi-thematic territorial analyses as main outcomes and will deliver to cross-border areas a “reference baseline” on ground of which new cross-border spatial development concepts can be elaborated and / or already existing ones can be reviewed and up-graded. The strategic result of this element of the targeted analysis is therefore to lay the basis for launching - both technically and operationally - more comprehensive cross-border spatial development planning processes. In addition the targeted analysis will elaborate 7 “data fact sheets” on the cross-border areas not covered by the six multi-thematic territorial analyses.