The project aims to overcome the problem described above – a lack of knowledge about the historical and cultural heritage, by continuous building of training practices that integrate research, education, preservation, promotion and sustainable use of the cultural and historical heritage of the cross-border region. A major part of the training will be web-based. The project will scrutinize the interrupted or missing connections between the two regions and try to restore and energize them using the power of the new IT technologies. Thus it will also strongly catalyze the integration of the region in the field of tourism. The project is addressed to the young people living in the region Vidin-Zajecar and aims to cultivate knowledge and sensitivity to the unique cultural heritage of the region; it will inspire a feeling of belonging to the region, shared responsibility for its future and respect for the values of other nationalities, ethnicities and religions. This will be achieved by creating an interactive tourist multimedia product – a virtual geographical tourist map (in Bulgarian, Serbian, and English), a film, a tour guide and a brochure. All outputs of the project will be freely available to the community and the guests of the both regions. The project is addressed to the teachers as well: the existing world experience in “teaching the heritage” will be studied with focus on the good practices of UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the Regional program for cultural and environmental heritage of Southeast Europe, and European days of heritage. This project is consistent with the European program “The youth in action” and the Lisbon strategy.