Włodawa commune and Shatsk raion is a unique geographic region, a true pearl of nature with a lace of 33 lakes, located within the adjacent Shatsk National and Sobiborski Landscape Parks. The area has a rich history and culture. Almost every lake is buried with the magic of legends. This lays down preconditions for the development of tourism, a sector with the highest potential in terms of profitability and opportunities for employment and investment in rural areas. The glory of such beautiful lakes as Białe in Poland and Svityaz in Ukraine has gone far beyond national boundaries. Still, not many Poles heard about Lake Pisochne in Volyn, a magnificent site with crystal water and sandy beaches. And only very few Volynians visited the lakes in Włodawa commune lying among dense forests where the air is filled with the smell of pines. This unique natural heritage lacks promotion, a recognizable visual image that would distinguish these locations among similar ones. The project aims to mitigate this problem by creating a platform for the delivery of information on recreational and tourism opportunities of the CBC area to potential visitors. The overall objective is to enhance the sustainable socio-economic development of the UA-PL borderland by the creation of competitive tourism products and promotion of natural and cultural heritage. The main outputs will be a tourism brand of the lake region, a concept for its promotion, and a web site. Local authorities and institutions operating in a field of tourism will benefit them in terms of creating an image of the lake area as an attractive tourist destination, increasing its competitiveness and recognisability. A joint festival as an element of cultural-cognitive tourism will make an additional advantage.