URBAN EMPATHY will consolidate a permanent structure to work on transforming existing results from preselected MED projects and key European programmes into effective policies related to Sustainable Urban Models (SUMO). - 1st (WP3), the results will be evaluated through a set of transferability criteria and cross checked to ensure that they comply with the SUMO shared by the partners. In parallel, a structured dialogue process will be established with key decision makers to identify key barriers to the implementation the selected results into sustainable urban policies. result of this process, will be placed in an online SUMO toolkit will be developed bringing together deliverables which fulfill policy makers expectations helping transferability. Finally, a series of high level seminars will be organised, with decision makers at different levels to present these innovative approaches and tools. - 2nd (WP4), URBAN EMPATHY will work to scale up transnational cooperation in the MED related to SUMO. Common priorities will be defined. Articulation between territorial cooperation and regional operative programmes will be worked on using real pilot results, analysing how: to bring them into policies to include them in the new programming period to implement them to mainstream them to a bigger scale. A set of recommendations aiming to influence calls for the next programming period will be produced. - 3rd (WP5): the existing SUMO platform will be consolidated as a network of networks to guarantee the durability of the capitalization process & influence policy makers and EC in the improvement of SUMO policies. Relations with other networks & initiatives, participation of cities & regions through projects capitalized, exchange with other clusters & cap projects will help the multiplying effect of transferability, joining decision & policy makers, scientific & social society key actors towards a common objective: climate change prevention through the promotion of a SUMO.