USESPON is about capitalization of European perspective on territorial development and cohesion by encouraging the use of work and findings from the ESPON 2013 Programme. The aim is to create awareness and sense of ownership amongst key stakeholders in respect of use of methods and tools developed within the current programme. The strategy is to draw on and share work done in four previous and ongoing TNAs. In this sense, a key part of the transnational work is to pool the resources developed in the four TNAs directly represented in USESPON by their LPs. This would mean: building and further developing e-learning platforms and training materials (ESPONTrain); providing learning support through interactive workshops (INTERSTRAT);e xploring the opportunities offered by the inter-relation of spatial scales when using ESPON methods (SCALES) and capitalising key territorial concepts (CaDEC). In addition, the LP will actively engage with the other two Priority 4 projects NORBA and ENECON through invitations to attend and present at USESPON events.