The main objective of the project is to examine the state of technology in the field of lamps and bulbs for street lighting and the illumination of cultural monuments, with emphasis on the colour of light, on utilisation rate (energy consumption per unit of lighting) and influences on the environment, globally and in cross-border regions, to analyse legislative criteria and demands from culturally protected city centres. One of the aims is also to make a draft of Croatian decree about threshold values of light pollution, that would be suitable to the Croatian Government, to establish procedures for accepting the proposal of change of the Slovene decree, to create a demonstration line on the level of one street in the area of the Municipality of Krško and in the town of Zaprešić. Also to implement an energy review of public lighting systems in Krško, in the Municipality of Kidričevo, Jastrebarsko and Zaprešič as well as to produce and to print Technical manual about lamps, bulbs and the regulation of public lighting in accordance with the demands of the European standard in both the Croatian and Slovenian languages.