VER-DI (Protection and value creation- nature protection areas as a resource for sustainable economic development) was a collaborative project consisting of municipalities, counties, regions, tourist organisations and university environments – which, through cross-border collaboration, developed activities and strategies in order to exploit nature protection areas as a resource for trade and economic development in the Kattegat/Skagerak region. The background to the project arises from the fact that there is unexploited potential in the region's nature protection areas and national parks for the sustainable development of trade in and in association with the mentioned areas. By developing strategies and activities, by making use of the competence and experience found in the region, and by taking inspiration from the Continent, the local regional and international position of the mentioned areas can be made clear whilst at the same time strengthening the trade base. The areas in the project to receive investment include: the development of foodstuffs – concepts for the development of locally produced and environmentally friendly food (to include traceability and marking), experience tourism, competence development and nature guidance.