The main objective of the VINIoT project is the creation of a new technological vineyard monitoring service. This service allows the wine sector to monitor its plantations in real time, at distance and with different levels of precision (grape, plant, plot and vineyard). It monitors relevant parameters in viticulture such as water status, grape ripening status or the existence of pests (phytosanitary status). It provides alerts that keep vineyard technicians informed of incident's occurrence, allowing an early correction and thereby, reducing grape production costs, increasing harvest volume and improving wine quality. Thus, the resilience of SMEs dedicated to the sector within the SUDOE region is strengthened as they can improve their capacities and productivity. This service merges into a single solution the two main technologies currently used independently in vineyard monitoring: multispectral imaging and terrain sensing. This allows to take advantage of the strengths and supply the weaknesses, combining an Internet of Things (IoT) architecture that allows the fusion of the relevant information to make a better estimate of the relevant parameters for vineyards.