The project will revive of voluntary Estonian maritime search and rescue operations in the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and to create the co-operation of the Finnish and Estonian volunteer maritime search and rescue systems. The project will develop the constructive framework and favourable conditions for partnership between the public and the third sectors, it wil generate significiant public savings and improve the safety and security of citizens. The main tasks of the project are to equip and hand over four fully equipped rescue vessels to the pilot voluntary maritime rescue groups in Estonia and to supply similar new vessels to the Finnish Lifeboat Institution. Setting up voluntary maritime search and rescue systems and providing the necessary training for the voluntarees are insepabarably tied to rescue technique and technology and rescue management. The project will organise 7 different 2-3 days trainings for the voluntarees (4 in Estonia and 3 in Finland) - it train and educate the local voluntary maritime rescue groups in basic seamanship, navigation, rescue and first aid skills. At the same time will be orgnised the co-operation and practical training with Finnish and Estonian voluntary groups - the project will support joint activities of 4 Estonian and 4 Finnish voluntary rescue grous. In Estonia it is very important to start activities of the development group of the voluntary maritime rescue system. In this group will participate represenatatives of the Estonian Border Guard, Rescue Guard and Deprtment of Migration and Border Policy of Ministry of the Interior, also voluntarees and spcialists of the Finnish Bordr Guard and the Finnish Lifeboat Institution. This group will work with different legislation, financing and organisational problems to develop the voluntary maritime and lake rescue activities and organisation. The project will organise the International Conference of the voluntary maritime rescue in Tallinn and Helsinki to perform the started co-operation between Finnish and Estonian partners and develop the integration into international co-operation in Baltic Sea region.