By means of technical and professional contacts with the Slovenian partner, this project is going to increase, improve and promote the trade of the quality typical production to be found in the cross-border territory. The communication with the operators of the fruit-and-vegetable, distribution, restaurant and tourism sectors and with consumers aims at illustrating the importance of producing quality healthy food, with a high service content. The general purpose of the project is carrying out an information campaign on the European certified quality production, also by divulging information about the regulation concerning quality production; all of which, in order to foster the presence of registered products on the Italian and Slovenian markets, to the detriment of nonregistered products. At first, the fruit-and-vegetable sector in the cross-border area has been analysed, studying also the direct and indirect economic features of the territory and the local population’s consumption propensity. Then, a trilingual brochure has been published, highlighting the economic characteristics of the sector; for each product, the average production, the methods of production, processing and preservation have been indicated together with the respective forecast consumption per head. Finally, several informative meetings have been organized, whereby both Italian and Slovenian fruit and vegetables were promoted. On those occasions, the CD-rom and the DVD, which were prepared in the framework of the project and illustrate the aims of the initiative - promoting the food-and-wine products of the two regions - were distributed, to cement consumers’ loyalty to products whose quality has been recognized.