In the course of the project, our objective is to present traditional and today's Christian values, also for tourism purposes, thereby promoting the region's economic and intellectual development, demonstrating common values. In Csongrád and Timis County we will establish an ecumenical route presenting Christian values between Timisoara and -pusztaszer, among 4 partners, under the leadership of the -pusztaszer National Historical Memorial Park, for the inhabitants of the regions and visiting tourists. The planned route is crossing Timisoara, Cenad, Nagylak, Magyarcsanád, Makó, Deszk, Kiszombor, Szőreg, Szeged, Domaszék-Zöldfás, Mórahalom, -pusztaszer settlements. As a result of the project, the conditions needed for the reception of the tourists is put in place at 6 sites. The general objective of the project is the development of tourism in the border region Target groups: The potential target group of the project is made up of the population of the region and visiting tourists. Within this target group, particular attention is paid to the people living in the immediate border region, as we want to involve them with reliance on existing relationships (visits to relatives), established habits (shopping tourism). Another target group is the senior and young age groups being highly receptive to religious tourism, as well as tourists interested in unique, special tourism products. On the other hand, a priority target group - with respect to their personal interests - is formed by persons associated with, affiliated to the church organizations participating in this project. Furthermore, the direct target group consists of the inhabitants of the settlements concerned by the developments, as they can use the developments for religious purposes; persons attending the programs, conferences and youth camps should also be mentioned here. Another direct target group is made up of the employees of the organizations participating in the project, because they would further strengthen personal and organizational relations in the border region, during the project. The main specific activities of the project are: construction activity; assets procurement; associated professional programs, activities; administrative and marketing activities.